How DigiKnowIt News Can Help Increase Participation and Lower Attrition Rates in Your Study
Are you struggling to recruit children or adolescents for your research? Are you concerned that you may face high attrition [...]
Motivate and Involve Young People in Your Research with DigiKnowIt News: Help Them Know What Questions to Ask
To feel informed and comfortable to decide to participate in your research study and to complete the study protocol, [...]
Reasons to Use Developmentally-Appropriate Materials Like DigiKnowIt News to Educate Youth About Your Research
Educating children and adolescents about your research study’s protocols and procedures may help them feel more comfortable and prepared [...]
Customize Your Recruitment Website to Recruit and Retain More Participants
Finding recruitment resources that educate potential participants about your research study’s unique goals and methods, and appeal to your target [...]
Why Young People Need to Know How They Can Benefit from Participating in Your Research
One common barrier to recruiting children or adolescents to participate in a pediatric clinical trial or research study is that [...]
Reasons You May Be Facing Low Participation Rates of Young People in Your Research and a Strategy to Help You Fix It
As fellow researchers, we understand that recruiting participants for pediatric research is difficult. Researchers across the nation are struggling to [...]
Improving Your Informed Assent Process with Children and Adolescents to Boost Recruitment and Retention
Use of incomplete or developmentally inappropriate materials in the assenting process might result in selection bias, insufficient sample size, [...]
How DigiKnowIt News Works to Educate Youth and Boost Recruitment
DigiKnowIt News is one of the first interactive, educational websites designed with the specific goal of helping researchers recruit [...]